Jan 30, 2012

Florida, The Sunshine State!

Well, the call went out, hunh? Murdoch, Fox News, and the rest of the petty, mean, hateful little GOP minions and soldiers are plenty butt hurt over Newt's big win last Saturday, and they are bloody well determined to make sure that there will be no Newtmentum here in Florida.  You know the conservatives are truly desperate when Ann flipping Coulter is bashing Newt and singing for the Mittens Tabernacle every morning, noon, and night on The Channel of Hate, i.e. Fox News.  I guess Ms Coulter is buying all that, "I came to Mormon Jesus re a woman's right to choose" that Mittens is blathering these days.  And, of course, to Ms Coulter, Mittens' Massachusetts Health Care program looks nothing like the ACA.  Heck, Mittens kind of sorta looks like Reagan, so that is good enough for her, and all the other yahoos on Fox.
There is a great John Sayles movie called Sunshine State.  Highly recommended.

It is a rout today:  Mittens with 43 per cent, Newt with 31 per cent, Santorum and Paul with seventeen and six per cent each respectively.

(And, Santorum, your time is almost up.  So, not only do you not get to be Senator anymore, you do not get to be President, either.  Sorry, buddy.  You'll get a show on Fox.  It will be alright.)


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