Sep 27, 2010

Hullo! (Headphones)

I have a bunch of things to talk aboot but I am going to do it in multiple posts.  So, here we go:  I walk a lot.  A lot.  I do not drive, you see? So, headphones are essential to my life.  This is a post aboot headphones.  I cannot tell you how many headphones I have gone thru in my life.  Only 2ce have I shelled oot the big bucks for headphones.  Both of them were Bose products.  

Do not get going aboot evil private company Bose.  Neither of these headphones were ultimately successful for me but it had nothing to do w/ the sound quality.  I have a 3-2-1 home system currently, which I love.  And I used to hook everything, incl TV/DVD thru a wave & that was fab, too.  

I am not an audiophile.  And after reading numerous reviews, w/ many Bose haters amongst them, I ne'er want to be an audiophile.  Bose is famous for 'lifelike' sound.  I imagine it is some sort of reverb thing they do to achieve it.  I also imagine that they are messing w/ the sound (through compression, & the aforementioned reverb) to create that 'lifelike' effect.  


The only sound I have heard in home systems that comes close to satisfying me is Boston speakers.  Or the Yamaha multimedia speakers I own now.  (The best speakers I have e'er heard.)  

Am I being duped? Is Bose 'creating' that sound as opposed to reflecting it? I do not give a fuck.  I love my Bose home products.  The thing that kills me aboot the Bose haters is that they always bitch aboot the price.  Yet, every time I check oot some amazing audiophile home system that the hater suggests, it costs THOUSANDS of dollars.  Thousands.  

Smacks of jealousy to me.

Anyhoo, I did a spell using some Bose noise canceling earphones, but they were bulky, made me look like an idiot on the street (everyone does does earbuds in our ipod days) and were way too delicate for the expense.  They sounded good but not great and were not loud enough for me.  I like very very loud.  I got sik of the crazy looks on the street & bought some Bose earbuds.  They were almost loud enough, sounded pretty good, but my cat, Molly (above) ate right thru the cord.  (She loves headphone cords.)

So, since then I have been going through earbud after earbud, ne'er paying more than twenty bucks, and once, most recently, only paying three.  Molly ate the cord for the three dollar one, and I was left stranded.  I dragged oot my old Sony MDR v300 which I prob bought back in the  nineties when I was still making tapes to seduce chicks.

I am using them now.  They sound so fucking good that I do not give a shit if I look like a lame ass on the street.  They're plenty loud enough & they sound way better than any Bose headphones I have used, noise canceling be damned.  

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